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Revisione completa – Affidabilità e mantenimento del valore

Si consiglia di fare una revisione completa di ogni orologio di lusso ogni 3 - 5 anni. In questo modo si può garantire il suo funzionamento impeccabile e la conservazione del suo valore. L'orologio e il suo meccanismo sono completamente disassemblati e ogni singolo elemento è esaminato facendo riferimento ai più alti standard qualitativi ed, eventualmente, riparato o sostituito.
Request from 500 €

Revisione completa – Affidabilità e mantenimento del valore

A regular complete overhaul every three to five years is crucial to maintain the perfect functioning and value of your watch. Our experts know that every watch is a complex interplay of different components. That's why we completely disassemble your watch, including the movement, and check every detail to the highest quality standards.

Reliability and value retention take centre stage during the complete overhaul. Each component is carefully inspected, repaired or replaced to ensure that your watch functions optimally again and retains its aesthetic appearance.

Thanks to our comprehensive testing procedures and state-of-the-art technologies, we guarantee not only the reliability of your watch, but also its long-term value retention.

Request a service enquiry now from €500!

The complete overhaul of a luxury watch is not only a question of function, but also of appreciation for a timeless heirloom. Every finely adjusted movement is the result of the dedication and expertise of our watchmakers, who are committed not only to maintaining precision, but also to preserving the history and value of your watch.— Hagen Klein (CHRONEXT watchmaker)

Complete overhaul of luxury watches - Top brands

Complete overhaul Rolex

The complete overhaul of Rolex watches is an essential measure to preserve the outstanding performance and value of these timepieces. Rolex watches are renowned for their precision and reliability, and a regular complete overhaul ensures that they continue to function at the highest level. Our watchmakers disassemble every Rolex watch down to the smallest detail to check every component for wear or damage.
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Complete overhaul Omega

The regular complete overhaul of Omega watches is essential to maintain their exceptional performance and value. At the CHRONEXT Service Centre, each movement is carefully checked to ensure optimal performance.
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Complete overhaul Breitling

In order to maintain the excellent performance and high value of Breitling watches, a regular complete overhaul is essential. The timepieces stand for precision, durability and a striking design. A thorough inspection ensures that they continue to function perfectly.
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